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As a member of ATPI you have free access to the worlds largest Turfgrass Research Database, Michigan State University Turfgrass Information Files or TGIF.
Upload and all your records in this space and have it ready for inspection.
Use our up-to-date template to create your documents.
Save the Safety Data Sheets for the Chemicals you use.
Upload photos you need to keep as a record of diseased greens, biodiversity, etc.
View our list of templates.
Insure compliance with Dept of Agriculture Regulations.
Easily Download & Upload Records to your Club page.
Up to date Amenity Approved Product list.
Revoked Product list.
Safety Data Sheets.
GPPP Guidelines.
Collect all your records and store them in your club account.
Awareness about compliance to legislation
Access to all of ATPI education material including Sustainability training only available to club members
Download up-to-date templates and information sheets from our library (check a few examples here)
Spraying records
Safety Statement
Accident/Incident investigations
Safety Action List
COVID 19 Procedures
Annual schedule for top dressing
Facilities Management
Improvement Plans
Training and Development
Codes of Conduct
Approved Chemicals
Banned Chemical
Chemical s under review
Golf Course Specific Chemicals
Chemical Safety Data Sheets
Procedure for spraying
Areas of Conservation
Safety Statement
Accident/Incident investigations
Safety Action List
COVID 19 Procedures
Annual schedule for top dressing
Facilities Management
Improvement Plans
Training and Development
Codes of Conduct
club photos
and more